Invest in self care
Your lifestyle plays a big role in how you feel; it can help you manage your anxiety and function better.
Exercise regularly
Exercise is a natural and can be a very effective anti-anxiety treatment. It helps control OCD symptoms by strengthening your nervous system which helps you concentrate when obsessive thoughts and compulsions arise. For maximum benefit, try to get 30 minutes or more of aerobic activity each day. Ten minutes several times a day is equally effective as one longer period, especially if you pay mindful attention to the movement process.
Stay connected to family and friends
Obsessions and compulsions can consume your life to the point of social isolation. In turn, social isolation will aggravate your OCD symptoms. It’s important to invest in reestabling your connection to family and friends. Talking face-to-face about your worries and urges does make them feel less real and less threatening.
Get enough sleep
Not only can anxiety and worry cause insomnia, but a lack of sleep will also exacerbate anxious thoughts and feelings. When you’re well rested, it’s much easier to keep your emotional balance, a key factor in coping with anxiety disorders such as OCD.
Practice relaxation techniques
Stress can trigger symptoms or make them worse. Mindful meditation, yoga, deep breathing, and other relaxation techniques can help lower your overall stress and tension levels which will help you manage your urges. For best results, practice a relaxation technique regularly.
Recognize the role trauma may play in your OCD
In some people, OCD symptoms such as compulsive washing or hoarding are ways of coping with trauma. If you have post-traumatic OCD, cognitive approaches may not be effective until your underlying traumatic issues are resolved.